Zitat Zitat von Mark Alessi
Nobody likes to be the bearer of bad news. Nobody likes to make the hard choices. nobody likes to let down their fans. Yes, CrossGen is struggling through some difficult times. No, we?re not dead yet. Not even close. No, I can?t give you all the information you?d like to know at this time. Have we had to make the difficult decision to let some titles go? You bet. Have we enjoyed having to trim staff as a result? Not a bit. Do we like seeing loyal staffers become jobless? Of course not! Are we done for? Hell, no! Can we give you all the details of our upcoming transformation? Not without violating agreements we?ve made with other business entities. I want to thank you all for your support during this difficult transition, and I look forward to the day when we can make the announcements you have all been waiting for.

Welche Ankündigung meint er nur, die alle erwarten? Sowas wie "Sorry, wir sind pleite"?